City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

News & Updates
St. Albans City Seal

St. Albans Building Dept to Enforce Ordinance on Posting Signs On Utility Poles

The St. Albans Building & Zoning Department would like to remind residents that posting signs and advertisements on utility poles within the city is prohibited by ordinance. The ordinance, 719.12(d), states that “No signs shall be placed on or attached to any utility poles, street signs or traffic control sign.

We encourage all city residents to always adhere to these city ordinances during and after the upcoming citywide Yardsale.

Enforcement by the St. Albans Building & Zoning Department will be occurring throughout the city.

You can view the entire ordinance here or below:


  (a)  Signs Permitted. Only the following specified signs may be displayed in relation to a pending yard sale:

   (1)  Two signs permitted. Two signs of not more than four square feet shall be permitted to be displayed on the property of the residence where the garage sale is being conducted. 

   (2)  Directional signs. Two signs of not more than two square feet each are permitted provided that the premises upon which the yard sale is conducted is not on a major thoroughfare, and written permission to erect such signs is received from the property owners upon whose property such signs are to be placed.

  (b)  Time Limitations. No sign or other form of advertisement shall be exhibited for more than two days prior to the day such sale is to commence.

  (c)  Removal of Signs. Signs shall be removed each day at the close of the garage sale activities or by the end of daylight, whichever first occurs.

  (d)  Placement of Signs. No signs shall be placed on or attached to any utility poles, street signs or traffic control sign.

(Ord. 78-31. Passed 7-24-78.)

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St. Albans City Seal

St. Albans, WV

City of St. Albans, WV

We’re a small, historic town in Kanawha County, with incredible offerings and opportunities for all ages and backgrounds.


Press & Public Relations
St. Albans City Hall
1499 MacCorkle Avenue
St. Albans, WV 25177
United States

Contact Email:
[email protected]

Contact Phone:
(304) 722-3391



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