City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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St. Albans Junior High Time Capsule to be unveiled April 15 at 1pm

St. Albans Celebrates Unveiling of Historic St. Albans Junior High Time Capsule

St. Albans, WV – The City of St. Albans is excited to announce the upcoming unveiling event for the recently removed cornerstone time capsule from the former St. Albans Junior School building. The event will take place on April 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Desper L. Lemon Courtroom, located inside the new St. Albans Police Department and Municipal Court headquarters at 613 MacCorkle Avenue in St. Albans, WV.

Mayor Scott James will be joined by James C. Hubbard Jr., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons, in West Virginia, James C. Botkin, District Deputy Grand Master of the 9th Masonic District and Junior Grand Deacon, Jason D. Philabaun, Worshipful Master of Washington Lodge #58, Jared A. Page, Saint Albans Municipal Judge and Senior Warden of Washington Lodge #58, David R. Barger, Junior Warden of
Washington Lodge #58, and members of various Masonic Lodges to explain the process and highlight some of the artifacts of historical significance found inside the cornerstone. The cornerstone was originally put in laid in 1923 by the Grand Lodge of West Virginia and Washington Lodge #58, located in Saint Albans.

During the unveiling event, the public will be invited to view pictures of the cornerstone and the items contained in the time capsule inside. The Grand Lodge of West Virginia and Washington Lodge #58 generously donated the cornerstone and certain items from the time capsule to the City of St. Albans for members of the community to enjoy.

“This unveiling event is an opportunity for the people of St. Albans to connect with our shared history and heritage,” said Mayor Scott James. “We are grateful to the Grand Lodge of West Virginia and Washington Lodge #58 for donating these items, and we are excited to showcase the artifacts found within it.”

The event is free and open to the community. For more information, please contact Municipal Judge Jared A. Page at (304) 437-7067 or [email protected].

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St. Albans, WV

City of St. Albans, WV

We’re a small, historic town in Kanawha County, with incredible offerings and opportunities for all ages and backgrounds.


Press & Public Relations
St. Albans City Hall
1499 MacCorkle Avenue
St. Albans, WV 25177
United States

Contact Email:
[email protected]

Contact Phone:
(304) 722-3391



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