For Immediate Release
October 23, 2023
The St. Albans Fire Department Central Fire Station, located at 51 Sixth Avenue, St. Albans, WV, has been designated as a “safe surrender site” under WV Code §49-4-206.
During the September 2nd City Council meeting, the City of St. Albans agreed to partner with the Safe Haven Baby Box organization to provide additional resources to expecting mothers of our community. The mission of the Safe Haven Baby Box is to end infant abandonment by raising awareness of the Safe Haven law and by providing opportunities for a safe and legal surrender, including an anonymous surrender option with the Safe Haven Baby Box. This mission mirrors that of the City of St. Albans and the St. Albans Fire Department, as we are committed to improving the life, safety, health, and welfare of all of our residents. This endeavor will ultimately produce a means to eliminate the unsafe and unlawful surrender of newborn infants by establishing a location and installation of a newborn safety device (Safe Haven Baby Box) to facilitate the intent and purpose of the Safe Haven Law.
In addition to Central Fire Station being staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week with certified Emergency Medical Technicians, the Safe Haven Baby Box organization staffs a 24-hour hotline (1-866-99BABY1) to give women the opportunity to talk to a trained professional as they consider options, including safely surrendering their baby.
“Choosing the option to surrender a newborn is undoubtedly an anguishing time for women, and providing them this option allows complete anonymity throughout the abandonment process, with the assurance that the baby will receive immediate life-saving medical care.” Chief Carney said. “We in the fire service are committed to saving ALL lives, and this is yet another opportunity to save the most innocent among us,” he added.
Help Bring the Safe Haven Baby Box to St. Albans.
The St. Albans Fire Department is relying on funding from our community- individuals, businesses, faith-based groups, civic organizations, and others to make this project a reality. This is no small task with an expected initial cost of approximately $18,000.
If you are willing to assist, you may donate to the project at the address above. Please mark all donations as “Baby Box.” For more information, please visit