City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Mayor's State of the City Address

State of the City of St. Albans – August 2024

It has been a busy summer in the city of St. Albans. I would like to start of by thanking everyone for believing in our administration and re-electing me to my third term. We will continue to move SA forward. It was great to see that St. Albans was ranked as the 7th best city to live in West Virginia. I personally feel that it is the best, but we will keep working to improve that ranking!

yakfest 2024 friday night

Yakfest was another huge success and economic boost for our community. Based on geofencing, approximately 15,000 people were in attendance on Friday and Saturday. The Tour De Coal was another great success with 1700-2000 Kayakers coming down Coal River.

We just finished paving many areas in SA and have now paved over 17 miles of roads since we have been in office. The new water tank project is moving forward and hope to have everything completed by this time next year or sooner. The repair and replacement of the Ram’s Horn Storm Sewer is going to start soon. Thank-you to Senator Shelley Moore Capito in helping us land $2,800,000.00 to assist in this project. The turfing of the softball infield at City Park is well on it’s way to completion, then we will close on the purchase of Kirk Field and begin turfing of that infield. Great things are happening in SA!

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Mountaineer Main Street will be taking place on August 24th and is expected to be bigger and better this year. Several former Mountaineer greats will be on hand to sign autographs and to meet people. Thank-you to Classic Hits 100.9 for sponsoring this event. Train Days Festival is taking place on September 21st at the Historical C&O Train Depot on 4th Avenue.

Let us all keep SA moving forward and making St. Albans the Best Community in WV! God Bless each and every one of you and God Bless the great City of St. Albans!

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St. Albans City Mayor's Office of Mayor Scott James

Mayor Scott James

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