City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

City of St. Albans, WV

MON - FRI  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Mayor's State of the City Address

State of the City of St. Albans – March 2025

I would like to start off by thanking all of the city departments for the great job that they did during the snowstorm and rainstorm we had. Our employees do a great job! As I am writing this newsletter column, we are supposed to get another 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow. The public works employees will be out pretreating and preparing for whatever amount we get. Our workers are as good as—or better than—any other municipality. I will put them up against anyone!

We have had two businesses open up recently in St. Albans. Curate Designs opened up on Olde Main, and the Dollar Tree opened up in the Gateway Shopping Plaza! We would like to welcome both businesses to our community and thank them for choosing St. Albans as their new home!


The Crawl-O-Green Pub Crawl will be happening Saturday, March 15th, so make plans to attend and have a great time! We are planning some special movie nights this summer; more information to be announced soon!

We continue to move forward in SA, as we are the best community in WV! I am going to Washington, D.C. in March to discuss topics that are important to our city. as well as to all cities. I will report on the trip in the next newsletter. God Bless each and every one of you, and God Bless the great city of St. Albans!

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St. Albans City Mayor's Office of Mayor Scott James

Mayor Scott James

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