The cold spell that we have had recently, along with the snow and freezing rain, has been difficult for our citizens and employees. The Public Works guys and gals have been working around the clock to clear roads and have done a tremendous job. More cold and snow are predicted. I want to let everyone know that in our City Code 901.08 that business owners, tenants, and homeowners are responsible for snow, ice, and debris removal. That includes sidewalks and gutters that lead to sidewalks.
We were very excited to receive LEDA Funds from Delegate Walter Hall and Senators Nelson, Takubo, Phillips, and Stuart to assist in the purchase of ballistic helmets for the SAPD! This allows officers to carry out their duties and to be safer at the same time. A big thank-you to our delegate and senators for their donation!
During this cold spell, we have opened up a warming center 5 times at the Hansford Center as of January 21st. Attendance at these warming centers has been sparce, but if we help one person then it is worthwhile. Our policy is to open a warming center when the temperature is going to be 10 degrees or below, as long as I can get city employees to cover it. If the City does not have a warming center open and you have a situation such as your heat went off, call 911 and our folks will do everything possible to help you get the assistance you need. Please continue to be safe during these winter months and may God continue to bless you and our great City of St. Albans!